Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama tries to Sell out Israel!


Citizen Grand Jury Indicts Obama


Obama Refuses to Honor American Flag!

In a shocking public display, Obama refuses to honor the flag of our Nation!
Why the hell doesn't Joe Biden do something?


Cap and Trade means more American Job Losses!


Global Warming Hoax Video

Ottawa University Professor vid about CO2 and Global Temps.


Stop Obama Constitutional Crisis Petition Link


Monday, March 30, 2009




Obama Intimately Tied To Carbon Trading Scam

A combination of interesting mainstream and alternative media reports reveal compelling links between president Obama and a privately owned carbon trading group, which also has direct ties with elitist groups such as the Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission.



Job Losses From Obama Green Stimulus Foreseen in Spanish Study

By Gianluca Baratti

March 27 (Bloomberg) -- Subsidizing renewable energy in the U.S. may destroy two jobs for every one created if Spain’s experience with windmills and solar farms is any guide.


Indoctrinate U

How American Universities are gearing students toward intolerance for any individual free thoughts, speech, actions or rights! Race, Class and gender are being used for intolerance wars!
(link to 1 of 10)

AIG director named to Obama tax task force


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama caught in Lie!

Contrary to Senator Barack Obama’s claim that he never heard his pastor Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. preach hatred of America, Obama was in the pews last July 22 when the minister blamed the “white arrogance” of America’s Caucasian majority for the world’s suffering, especially the oppression of blacks.

Senator Obama has sought to separate himself from his pastor’s incendiary remarks, issuing a statement Friday rejecting them as “inflammatory and appalling” but failing to renounce Wright himself for his venomous and paranoid denunciations of America.

(lest we forget!)


Obama Clinton Bullying for Palestine State!

Just hours after blaming Hamas and other terror groups for the lack of peace in the region, visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signaled that while it may recognize the source of the obstruction, that won't stop the Obama Administration from pushing for the rapid creation of a Palestinian Arab state.

Clinton told reporters in Jerusalem that she and President Barack Obama plan to be "vigorously engaged" in bringing about the birth of "Palestine," adding that "there is no time to waste."


Redress of Grievances against Obama

Redress of grievances-Petition for indictment of Timothy Geitner, Barack Obama, Supreme Court clerk for stays Danny Bickel, Judges that refuse to uphold Constitution and hear the cases of Obama's ineligibility on the merits and members of Congress and Senate, that refuse to hold Judicial hearings and sign subpoenas for all of Obama's vital records.


Educate Yourself!

This site is dedicated to posting the most current and mainly hidden agendas of the Obama Admin!
It deserves your daily visit and actions.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hawaii Asked to expedite Obama Birth Certificate


National Black Republican Association

Here is a link to the National Black Republican Association. Such a rich site, full of information and advice.

Obama's Unseen Enemy

American money is indirectly funding the Taliban.


Obama Handpicked Audience!

Those people in Obama's audience were anything but Random! Seems they were hand picked supporters. No homeless, recently unemployed or displaced by imported foreign workers.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Obama Hires AIG Director!

Outrageous! I'm beginning to think Obama may have syphilis. What are the symptoms of a syphilis affected brain?More homework for me. :)


Obama taking away privately owned guns.

Remember, Kissinger gave Obama his first real job.


Things I didn't know about Obama

I pray that Orly Tatiz will be able to stop Obama. It's horrific and embarrassing to have
such a person as President of this mighty Nation.

Here a some links to videos revealing appalling facts about Obama. These vids are dated
late fall 2008 however the truths never fades or is less shocking.

Rense - Sinclair Interview Pt. 1

Allegations by Pastor Manning:

Is Obama a real American Citizen?

Keyes to appeal case on Obama's eligibility


Ambassador Keys claims Obama is an usurper!

The budget recently introduced by Obama

FreedomWorks exposes the outrageous claims of Moveon!
Here is a link to one of the most comprehensive articles I've read in a long time.
The hidden truth about Obama's stimulus packages is revealed.


EyeBlast Vids

News Busted Videos.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why Illegal?

I too was clueless as to why marijuana is illegal.


Obama passing new law to allow searching of PC's, Laptops, and media devices

Obama is secretly pushing for laws which give security forces freedom
to search your personal computer and media devices.


$6 Billion To Train People To Volunteer?


Here is your security program exposed.

Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Obama!

Obama fights Big Oil Companies

Is there nothing off limits to this guy?
Does he not realize how taxing more companies will result in more job losses?


Obama Resistance Site

This site is full of interesting articles, ideals, thoughts, exposures in regards to Obama and his
plans for America!


Destroy the Coal Industry


This is a revealing clip which shows the ignorance of Obama voters.
It also includes the quip Obama said in regards to how he plans to destroy the coal industry
in this country.

Destroying the Constitution

Remember, Obama is a Constitution Professor.


Obama Birth Certificate Petition


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

American Jobs for Americans!


What you can do to help.

  1. Call President Obama at 202-456-1111 and ask him to tell Congressman Gutierrez NO on stopping worksite enforcement.
  2. Call your Members of Congress at 202-224-3121 and ask them why it makes sense to bring in another 1.5 million new foreign workers this year.
  3. Tell your friends about this website and ask them to join the fight to save American jobs.

GIVE Mandatory Service Act Strips First Amendment of “Volunteers”

Obama plan will strip mandatory student volunteers of their 2 Amendment Rights!


Carbon Emission Cap and Trade

Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congress


Companies make millions while taking more $$ out of American pockets. The most horrible thing about this is that Obama is attaching these policies to our current Stimulus Package! We will be forced to adhere to policies and restrictions in regards to carbon emissions which have no proven positive effect on our environment!

I have a hat which produces rain.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Investigation reveals Obama-supported UNFPA not preventing one-child policy


"We at PRI ask the President to take a more critical approach in considering funding for the UNFPA," said Steven Mosher, PRI’s president. "United States law clearly dictates that tax dollars cannot fund forced abortion or coercive measures overseas. The President has shown no consideration for these laws, nor has he expressed any concern over the UNFPA’s clear and consistent involvement in human rights abuses."

Mason said that PRI stands ready to provide evidence to the Obama Administration about UNFPA’s involvement in China’s coercive policy.

Petition protesting Obama speech at Notre Dame nearing 90,000


Link to petition on this site.


So easy to sign this petition!


Justice, Supremes confirm getting eligibility challenge
Taitz documents demanding proof of Obama's birthplace to be reviewed.

We're going to be watching this one closely!


The more inaction on part of our Supreme Courts, the guiltier Obama looks.

Obama's Illegal Aunt

Obama's aunt has been living in the United States Illegally since 2004!


Texas Represenative Kevin Brady Reacts

Texas Rep. Kevin Brady Reacts to the Latest Call to Rescue America’s Banks


Believes plan needs more regulations to be effective.

US Mexico Border Security

This proposal is bloated! The big question is "Should we give funds and equipment to Mexico in an effort to secure American Borders?"


Open Congress

Vote on line for or against the Bills which are before Congress.


Requires login or signup. Very Easy!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Defend Our Freedeom Against Obgama

This is a site dedicated to having Obama taken out of office because of him NOT being a
naturalized citizen of the United States. Obama has no allegiance to this Nation.


Let Obama Hang Himself

This is a good one! It's been said if you give a man enough rope he'll hang himself.
I really don't know if I want to wait and see though, he might have us hanging ourselves soon.

short clip:

Obama Citizenship Coverup!

Live Feed on the Obama Citizenship Coverup! (Audio)




Immigration Costs to America

I found this site today. The cost to Americans due to the continued immigration laws.
Excellent site.


Most unemployed Americans are well educated, yet the jobs are being held by immigrants. These immigrants are NOT the brightest or most skilled!

Claim that a Reduction of Foreign Skilled Workers is "America's Loss" is Baffling, is an article written by Norm Matloff.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama's Kroft Interview

Here is an article of Obama on 60 Minutes:

Here is a link to the full video:

Russian Obama

This is just too sad! The original image can be see at:
Glenn Beck we respect and admire you. Thank you.

What? No More Candy Money?

Honestly. Does Obama really think Americans believe that EVERY request for funds will be published for public scrutiny? The Foreign Nations with fund requests are sure to be shrouded by secret private meetings.THESE requests will never be fully published and will no doubt make up the bulk of requests.
Full transparency is a falsehood and can never be implemented due to
National Security and the security of other nations.


Who are the biggest Lobbyists in America? Read this Article written in 2007!

Expedition Rescued

Update: Expedition finally rescued: I can't wait to review thier Global Warming Findings!


Obama on Texas Mexico Border Protection

Seems our President is unwilling to give the help asked for. Perhaps he believes Texas is just asking for help because they can? Texas does not ask for help unless they perceive a real threat!
Our Governor is no fool Obama.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hottest Obama Links of the Day

Here are a few quick links:

All Private Guns will be Confiscated by September 2009, US tells Russia
(remember, Kissinger gave Obama his first job)


Is Obama Designing the End of Capitalism?


Shocker: Obama Plan For Executive Pay Gives Government Power To Take Over Any Company


Obama defends his decision to support Abortion Clinics: Obama V. Religion


Obama Deception Video Link


Full Length.

Carbon Emission Hoax

This is the best article about the Global Warming Hoax I've ever read.
Hope you find it helpful.


Friday, March 20, 2009


Yeah, my eyes are bleeding. You must see this video if you believe Global Warming is real.
Remember, there are three explores trapped at the North Pole as this is posted.


Why are they trapped? The temperatures are too cold for further travels. LOL


Obama Deception

Best American Government Agenda revealing sites:




Those with ears let them hear!


IMHO, Obama has sold his soul. At least this time the real powers have chose someone
decent to look at but, his wife resembles a giant in silk. Perhaps a few lessons on walking gracefully are in order?

Poor Obama, just the newest media whore puppet.

If you were to compare yourself to a Special Olympic member, you would actually be trying to
reveal one of two things. First you would be saying, I'm better than they are, I'm above it.
Or, you would be revealing that your actions are actually not your own. Your thoughts and movements are controlled, such as those in Special Olympics, which are never completely clear of their own roles without the guidance of others.
However, lets not let this slip take us on a tangent. Here is the truth behind the puppet power.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama on Jay Leno

So who is Obama? Is he a movie star or a president? commander in chief or just an ugly mouth?
Things are getting worse everyday, value of the dollar is dropping, unemployment and homeless is soaring, food and medical costs are going up and our President is going on Jay Leno?
I bet I would not qualify for a loan yet foreigners are being invited to this nation to employ Americans! Where will this cheap labor come from Mexico?
God help us.


Obama is doing his best to divide this country. Contrary to the fluid speeches he made during the Presidential Debates. Obama is running around from issue to issue like a demon with a mission.

Now Obama has crawled in bed with the United Nations.

"U.S. signs on to decriminalization of homosexuality." is a misnomer.

It's not the "US" signing this declaration, it's OBAMA.

Obama is intentionally undermining the rights of individual states and causing a greater rift between those who support homosexuality and those who do not. Mainly he is creating mistrust of his administration.
Obviously, he did not consider the reaction of the religious body in this nation or others. Homosexuality is not only considered sinful by mainstream Christians but, also by Muslims as well.

"It's your world" is the United Nations motto. But it's not my world, or your world. We can't just barge into others space and impose or will or wishes, like the take over of this nation when it was first founded.

What could be Obama's main objective?

Let's look at the state of this nation at the present.

1. High unemployment.

2. Loss of financial security.

3. High cost of food and energy.

4. High cost of education.

5. Unsecured borders.

6. High immigrant employment. (let's sale America)

7. Less illegal deportation.

8. Trillion tax monies give away. (3.6 Trillion)

9. Support for Abortions in other Nations?

The homeless, jobless population is growing . Food costs are up! Taxes will go up! Educational Costs are UP! Yet, let's welcome illegals and more immigrants to sop up the few jobs left and take advantage of lands which no American can afford to buy right now.

The true motives of this administration are not transparent yet, but the pieces are coming together.

I smell Socialism.
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